7 Things I’m Doing as a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist in my Third Trimester

With my background in pelvic health and experience working with pregnant and postpartum women, along with being currently pregnant with my second child, I wanted to share with you ALL the things I’m choosing to do and focus on during my third trimester. Keep in mind, pregnancy choices are very individual and may need to be discussed with your healthcare provider first, but if you’re interested in what my third trimester looks like, read through for not just the physical side of it, but the mental, emotional, spiritual and everything in between…this blog post covers it all!

1. Listening to my Body

Placing this as number 1 is intentional, because it is SO important during pregnancy to first and foremost, listen to your body! And that’s exactly what I’m focusing on throughout this pregnancy, but especially in my third trimester.

If my body is feeling fatigued or anxious, I make sure to allow rest! I may have had a workout planned for the day, but that workout can wait. Listening to my body and then responding to it appropriately is more important than whatever it is that I had planned.

2. Daily Walks

I have also been intentional about prioritizing daily walks. Walking is just as much for the mental space as it is for the physical. During pregnancy, this asymmetrical movement and overall increase in activity will benefit not only you, but baby as well. They don’t have to be super lengthy…I tend to shoot for a minimum of 20 minutes and then listen to my body from there. If I’m feeling really good on a particular day (and I have the time), I walk longer! If not, I don’t. Simple as that.

Walking in the winter time can be tricky, and sometimes risky depending on how icy the roads are, so in order to support this priority, I did end up purchasing a treadmill desk attachment that I put on my treadmill in order to allow me to walk and work! Also, I do spend a good amount of time sitting while I work on my business, so I felt like having the ability to multitask could be a game changer for increasing the time I spend moving my body throughout the day.


3. Pelvic Floor Relaxation and Mobility Focus

Contrary to popular belief, pelvic floor relaxation is actually what will help the most during labor and birth (not doing a million Kegels), which is why I’ve really been focusing on pelvic floor relaxation and mobility throughout my pregnancy, but more so in my third trimester.

After every workout, I make sure to include a mobility flow and at least one pelvic floor relaxation exercise. I want to share my two FAVORITE pelvic floor relaxation exercises:

  • Deep Squat

  • Child’s pose - 3-way

Click on the video’s below for a demonstration of these!

Deep Squat

3 Way Child's Pose

As I progress further into the third trimester, I will be switching the majority of my workout focus to LESS strength training and MORE mobility and pelvic floor relaxation and meditation. And if this seems counter-intuitive to you, you’re likely not alone!

I think many women have this misconception that “push prep” or preparing your body for labor and birth is all about pelvic floor and overall body strength. However, the main job of the pelvic floor during labor and birth is to relax and get the heck out of the way!

I’m not saying that we should just ignore pelvic floor strengthening completely, as it is important to have a baseline of pelvic floor strength in order to withstand the demands of pregnancy, especially third trimester pregnancy demands, but I am saying that the commonly prescribed “just do your kegels” isn’t really the best plan when prepping for labor and birth.

All this to say, if you’re feeling overwhelmed and confused with knowing exactly WHAT to do during your pregnancy, my new Mind Body Core Prenatal Program is here for you! This program will walk you step-by-step through each stage, phase and trimester to fully support you through your pregnancy. Check it out by clicking below!


4. Hydration

With my first pregnancy with Mia, I did notice that I had a bit of swelling at different stages of my pregnancy. Dehydration can be a contributing factor to that, so making sure I prioritize my hydration and electrolyte intake levels has been a focus for me during this pregnancy, and even more so as I head into the third trimester.

Aside from swelling, not having proper hydration can also lead to a decrease in energy level…and the third trimester can be hard enough in regards to energy, so I’m making sure to stay up on it by drinking enough water and using my favorite LMNT electrolyte packet as well! If you’re looking for flavor recommendations, my top 5 favorite flavors are watermelon, raspberry, grapefruit, citrus, and orange (in order, with watermelon being my TOP pick).


5. Supplements and Nutrition

Nutrition is another thing that can affect your mood and energy levels (among other things), so it’s important to focus on it throughout the pregnancy. In regards to specific nutrition during my third trimester, I am focusing on increasing my intake with these 5 things:

  1. Leafy greens

  2. Vitamin C

  3. Fruits

  4. Veggies

  5. Fiber

And if you were someone who struggled with nutrition in the first trimester (hello nausea), hopefully you find it a little easier during the third!

For me, my midwives suggested the following supplements:

  • Alfalfa in the 3rd trimester - decrease risk of postpartum hemorrhage

  • Dandelion root - helps with swelling and liver function since the body has a lot of extra fluids

  • Beef Organ - natures “multivitamin”; really great iron source

  • Pre-natal

  • Vitamin D

Remember, nutrition and supplements needed during your pregnancy are specific and individualized to you! Make sure to check with your doctor or midwife about ANY supplementation you want to take and how you can best support you and baby during the different trimesters.


6. Mental and Spiritual Prep Work

When it comes to prepping yourself for the whole labor and birth experience, there is so much more to it than just physically preparing! You can do EVERYTHING right with the physical prep work, but if the mental, emotional and spiritual (for me personally) isn’t there, it can really make you feel unprepared when the time does come.

Here’s what I’ve been doing to help prepare myself on a mental, emotional and spiritual level:

  • Daily affirmations

  • Meditation apps - christian hypnobirthing is one I personally am using right now

  • Watching and reading positive birth videos and stories - really sets up a positive mental space around your birth experience

  • Prayer

  • Being mindful about protecting my mental space and setting boundaries…like not letting other’s opinions in if they aren’t serving me and being careful of the information I choose to take in

  • Book recommendations

    • “Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth”: Ina May Gaskins

    • Hypnobirthing: Marie F. Mongan

    • Mindful Birthing: Nancy Bardacke

  • Listening to birth specific podcasts

Again, these are the things that I personally find helpful for a holistic and well-rounded approach to preparing myself! If some of these things don’t feel helpful to you, that’s okay! Part of the pregnancy experience is figuring out what DOES work for you and getting creative with the implementation of those things!


7. Preparing Mia for a Sibling

Last but most certainly NOT least, is preparing Mia, my first born, to become a big sister. One thing I personally have been doing, during this third trimester especially, is really soaking up and cherishing these moments that I have left with just Mia, before her world gets turned upside down with a new sibling! I know that life will never go back to the time that we are in right now, where we are a family of three and it’s just her and I spending time throughout the day together - and that is both exciting and heart wrenching at the same time…which really encapsulates the whole dichotomy of motherhood, right?!

Here’s how I’m helping to prepare Mia for that shift and prep her for handling the new baby:

  • Simply talking with her about the baby more

  • Teaching her how to handle the baby (soft touches!)

  • I plan to get a “gift from the baby” to Mia

  • Talking with her about ways she can “help” with the baby (bringing mommy a diaper or handing mommy a baby toy

  • Maintaining her routine…this is something I am doing now and will try to do after baby arrives as well!

There you have it…

…my top 7 third trimester focuses as a pelvic floor physical therapist to keep my body healthy and prepare for labor and birth! I’m curious to know, if you’re currently pregnant and either heading into the third trimester or already there, what else would you add to the list? Is there anything else that you are really prioritizing and focusing on? I’d love to know in the comments or join me on Instagram and send me a DM!


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