Free Resources

Everything you’ll find on this page is 100% FREE and for you to be able to easily watch, learn and follow along with or download, read and implement at your own pace! Have a look through these resources and see if anything pops out to you or seems applicable for where you’re at in your pregnancy or postpartum journey.


Pregnancy Breathing Series

A 3-part pregnancy breathing series that covers the different types of breathing you can utilize when doing the following activities: engaging your core, relaxing your pelvic floor or breathing during labor. Click the button below to gain instant access to all three videos!

Early Postpartum Workout

This is a FREE postpartum workout for you to get started on connecting to your deep core and pelvic floor and begin the healing journey! Also a quick guide on how to check for a Diastasis Recti and C-Section considerations included.



Prenatal Workout

Try out a Core/Pelvic Floor prenatal workout that comes directly from MBC: Prenatal program. This is a great opportunity to trial one of the workouts from MBC for FREE see how you like it!

FREE Digital Downloads

Diastasis Healing Guide

This guide will walk you through how to initiate the healing process of a diastasis recti, from doing a self check to learning diaphragm breathing (the foundations to healing). Plus…how do we keep going after we find that connection? Come check it out!

Guide for Cesarean Birth

This guide will walk you through what a c-section surgery is, how to start scar healing, diaphragmatic breathing guidance, and exercises you can begin postpartum that are c-section safe! Plus…do we need to use a binder…or no? I cover all of that here!

Exercises BETTER Than Kegels!

Grab your FREE guide to exercises that strengthen your pelvic floor better than doing kegels alone. That's right…let's get those pelvic floors in shape!

Pelvic Floor Reduction Guide

Grab your FREE guide to learn 10 tips to reduce pelvic tension and 4 exercises you can implement TODAY!

6 Week Check-Up Guide

Sometimes it's just knowing WHAT to ask! The FREE guide will help you through a checklist of things to address with your provider and questions you might want to ask!

Mind Body Core

Mind Body Core

Prenatal Program

The most comprehensive guide to the foundation of PELVIC FLOOR and CORE health in your pregnancy journey, keeping you strong, confident, and empowered during the changes of motherhood!


  • The most COMPREHENSIVE program that includes the Core/Mobility Program AND Labor Prep Program below

  • Full strength training program with 5 workouts/week from weeks 6-40

  • LIFETIME access

  • Access to 50+ videos of education and guidance

  • App feature for easy navigation and use

  • Direct access to a Pelvic Floor PT within the app

Postpartum Program

The most comprehensive guide to the foundation of your postpartum healing journey, getting you back to fitness and everyday life tasks confidently.

  • Full access to ALL the content and programs listed

  • 12 weeks of progressive exercises (can start day 1!)

  • Accessible from easy to use app or webpage

  • 200+ exercise videos and educational modules

  • Return To Exercise Guidance & Return To Running Protocol

  • Content from experts in: breastfeeding, mental health, nutrition and baby milestones