Top 5 Postpartum Products: From a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist’s Perspective

If you’re preparing to give birth any time in the near future, you’re going to want to save this blog post! As a pelvic floor physical therapist, I know some things about the postpartum time period, and let me tell you, all 5 of these postpartum products are one’s you are going to want to have with you. This blog post covers my TOP 5 favorite postpartum products (plus 2 BONUS C-section specific product recommendations), a few links, and a little information on what you’re going to need them for while in your postpartum initial recovery phase.

  1. Peri Bottle

    A peri bottle is a product you will want to use to help you with toilet hygiene immediately postpartum. Essentially, it’s going to help with healing by preventing potential damage that can be done from wiping too hard with toilet paper. Wiping down there…not so great the first days/weeks after having a baby, so the peri bottle is a great substitute for toilet paper when everything feels tender and sore!

    A few tips:

    • Fill with warm water

    • Squirt the water from front to back

    • Dab gently with toilet paper to dry after

  2. Squatty Potty

    A squatty potty will help to keep you in an optimal position for a bowel movement to occur. When you’re in the right position you are less likely to need to strain on the pelvic floor and therefore get relief much easier!

    A few tips:

    • If you don’t have an actual squatty potty, just use a step stool, stacked up books, a garbage can turned on its side - you get the picture!

    • Along with a squatty potty, use of a stool softener can be super helpful as well! Magnesium calm powder is another option and/or rhoid balm.

    • I know those first few BM’s postpartum can feel scary, try your best to get comfortable, relax and BREATHE!

  3. Supportive Bloomers

    Gentle and supportive bloomers, like the Bao Bei ones, can help with overall support as you move and work on breathing exercises. Don’t underestimate a garment that can make you feel extra support in that early postpartum time!

    A few tips:

    • Look for something that is not SUPER compressive - that can cause excess pressure downward onto the pelvic floor and also is just not very comfortable, and comfort is key!

    • Check out Bao Bei and use code DOCLIZZIEDPT for 10% off!

    • Also remember to snag a variety of different sizes of pads. You are going to want to be able to change absorbency and pad size as you progress through your early postpartum recovery.

  4. Solly Baby Wrap

    One of my favorite ways to do things with a newborn - the Solly wrap! Now, this may not be something you do RIGHT when you get home, but it is an option for multi-tasking as you move along in the postpartum recovery process.

    A few tips:

    • Be cautious baby wearing in the early postpartum days

    • If you are going to baby wear, make sure to EASE into it

    • Take breaks by sitting down to prevent back pain or pelvic heaviness

  5. Big ol’ Water Bottle (+ LMNT for added bonus!)

    Okay, so I don’t have a specific brand of water bottle here because honestly, use whatever water bottle you have that is going to encourage you to drink throughout the day and STAY HYDRATED! Hydration is especially key if you are breastfeeding or pumping for keeping that good supply up, and is a factor for easier bowel movements - so drink up, ladies!

    A few tips:

    • Using an electrolyte packet can also be helpful at replenishing hydration faster and more effectively. If you’re looking for a recommendation, I personally LOVE the LMNT brand for its clean ingredients and top tier taste!

    • Use this link to get FREE samples with an LMNT purchase :)

BONUS: C-section Specific Product Recommendations!

  1. Supportive Bloomers or Abdominal Wrap

    Sometimes we need a little support to the incision due to pain, so utilizing support bloomers or even something a little more supportive, like an abdominal binder, can be SO beneficial for bracing and pain relief.

    A few tips:

    • Remember, we don’t want to use these long-term. Ultimately, we want to teach out body how to do this support for us - and that is through deep core and pelvic floor connection and rehab exercise! If you need some support with that, check out my Mind Body Core program for a step-by-step, 12 week program on how to do just that!

    • Bao Bei has an amazing selection of supportive bloomers! So, if you missed it up above, here’s the link again to check it out!

  2. Silicone Strips for Scar Healing

    These strips can be really helpful for scar healing and prevention of rough or keloid scar formation. As every scar is different, just remember to check with your doc when it comes to scar care!

    A few tips:

    • Silicone strips can often be used 2-3 weeks and even up to 3 months after C-section

    • Typically, these are worn for 12-22 hours at a time

    • Again, always check with your doc first!

And lastly, supplement these products with the ULTIMATE healing guide with my postpartum Mind Body Core program! This program is everything you need and more to walk you through, step by step exactly what to do and how to do it to help you recover and heal following birth. Click below to learn more!

In my opinion, any postpartum product that is going to give you comfort, ease or improved healing is WELL worth the investment! The postpartum time period, ESPECIALLY the early postpartum time, is a time that many feel super unprepared for, so I hope this list of products gives you some start to preparedness and helps all of you planners out there (like me) feel a little better about your postpartum to-do check list!

Lastly, if you’re currently pregnant and working on preparing yourself for labor, birth and the early postpartum time frame, I also have a Labor Prep program that you can check out below which does include the first 1-2 weeks of postpartum! Ultimately, if you’re seeking support, Mind Body Core has you from prenatal to early postpartum and YEARS BEYOND!

Doc Lizzie


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